

Gautam Sridhar, Massimo Vergassola, João Marques, Michael Orger, Antonio C. Costa#, Claire Wyart#. Uncovering multiscale structure in the variability of larval zebrafish navigation bioRxiv Github repo:

Antonio C. Costa#,Gautam Sridhar, Claire Wyart, Massimo Vergassola. Fluctuating landscapes and heavy tails in animal behavior PRX Life Github repo:

W. Mathijs Rozemuller, Steffen Werner, Antonio C. Costa, Liam O’Shaughnessy, Greg J. Stephens, Thomas S. Shimizu. Statistics of C. elegans turning behavior reveals optimality under biasing constraints arXiv


Antonio C. Costa#, Tosif Ahamed, David Jordan, Greg J. Stephens. A Markovian dynamics for C.elegans behavior across scales arXiv Github repo:

Antonio C. Costa#, Tosif Ahamed, David Jordan, Greg J. Stephens. Maximally predictive states: From partial observations to long timescales Chaos Github repo:


Tosif Ahamed, Antonio C. Costa, Greg J. Stephens. Capturing the Continuous Complexity of Behavior in C. elegans Nature Physics (see also News & Views article)

Laetitia Hebert, Tosif Ahamed, Antonio C. Costa, Liam O’Shaughnessy, Greg J. Stephens. WormPose: Image synthesis and convolutional networks for pose estimation in C. elegans PLoS Comput Biol Python package docs:


Stephen J. Helms*, W. Mathijs Rozemuller*, Antonio C. Costa*, Leon Avery, Greg J. Stephens, Thomas S. Shimizu. Modelling the ballistic-to-diffusive transition in nematode motility reveals variation in exploratory behaviour across species J. R. Soc. Interface

Antonio C. Costa, Tosif Ahamed, Greg J. Stephens. Adaptive locally-linear models of complex dynamics PNAS Github repo: